Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Handle Bad References From Employers

How to Handle Bad References From EmployersHow to Handle Bad References From EmployersAre you concerned about getting a bad reference from one of your previous employers? A negative or even lukewarm reference can knock a candidate right out of contention for a job. Find out ways to prevent getting a bad reference, and how to tackle bad references when they are unavoidable. How to Handle Bad References From Employers What can you do to preclude your references from hindering your job search? The safest way to avoid having your search sabotaged by an unexpected bad reference is to carefully pre-screen your references. If you are concerned about what a previous employer is going to say, line up some other references who will attest to your qualifications for jobs. Explain the circumstances, in advance, to potential reference givers and ask if they are in a position to support your candidacy by providing a positive recommendation. It is critical to give them an out so that they dont feel obligated to provide a reference, and perhaps provide a less than fully laudatory recommendation when contacted by a prospective employer. It can be best to make your request by email so that they can consider it objectively without the pressure of a face to face interaction. Get the Reference in Writing If you ask a potential reference to put a general recommendation in writing in advance, you will have a better idea regarding the tone and focus of their recommendation. The incorporation of recommendations into LinkedIn provides an opportunity to test drive potential reference writers. Try writing a few recommendations for LinkedIn contacts and then ask your connections to reciprocate on your behalf. When You Are Worried About a Negative Reference If you are worried that a previous manager (who you havent listed as a reference) might provide a negative reference if contacted by an employer, the best strategy can be to provide as many other positive recommendations as p ossible to counteract the impact, or perhaps make it unnecessary for employers to seek input from that manager. Or, if you are certain that the manager will still be contacted despite leid being on your reference list, you can be proactive. Reach out to the former manager, and explain the situation- that you know you didnt part on the best terms, and would not normally put the person down as a reference, but that you believe the hiring company will be in touch anyway. Many people will be willing to let bygones be bygones, and you may be able to negotiate to a reference that you both feel comfortable with. In some cases, you might have a better relationship with your prior managers boss and can enlist their support. In other situations, you can tap a combination of colleagues at your level, customers, and staff who reported to you in order to fill out your roster of references. Check Your Own References Some candidates will have a trusted friend, posing as a reference checker or a background checking service, reach out to a possibly troublesome previous supervisor to ascertain how they might respond to a check. Others hire a reference checking service to discover what past employers are saying about them. Candidates who discover a potentially damaging reference might then initiate dialogue with the manager in an attempt to negotiate a more positive recommendation. If that effort is unsuccessful, you could consider contacting the Human Resources (HR) department of your former employer to mention that your search is being adversely impacted by a former managers negative recommendation. In some cases, HR will advise the manager to avoid such references as a matter of policy to avoid legal liability or negative publicity. Negotiating a Good Reference If you leave an employer under difficult circumstances, it is sometimes possible to negotiate a positive recommendation as part of the severance process. Of course, the best way to avoid negative recommendation s is to cultivate positive relationships with managers, whenever possible, and to resist the temptation of saying anything negative when leaving a job.

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