Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Handle Bad References From Employers

How to Handle Bad References From EmployersHow to Handle Bad References From EmployersAre you concerned about getting a bad reference from one of your previous employers? A negative or even lukewarm reference can knock a candidate right out of contention for a job. Find out ways to prevent getting a bad reference, and how to tackle bad references when they are unavoidable. How to Handle Bad References From Employers What can you do to preclude your references from hindering your job search? The safest way to avoid having your search sabotaged by an unexpected bad reference is to carefully pre-screen your references. If you are concerned about what a previous employer is going to say, line up some other references who will attest to your qualifications for jobs. Explain the circumstances, in advance, to potential reference givers and ask if they are in a position to support your candidacy by providing a positive recommendation. It is critical to give them an out so that they dont feel obligated to provide a reference, and perhaps provide a less than fully laudatory recommendation when contacted by a prospective employer. It can be best to make your request by email so that they can consider it objectively without the pressure of a face to face interaction. Get the Reference in Writing If you ask a potential reference to put a general recommendation in writing in advance, you will have a better idea regarding the tone and focus of their recommendation. The incorporation of recommendations into LinkedIn provides an opportunity to test drive potential reference writers. Try writing a few recommendations for LinkedIn contacts and then ask your connections to reciprocate on your behalf. When You Are Worried About a Negative Reference If you are worried that a previous manager (who you havent listed as a reference) might provide a negative reference if contacted by an employer, the best strategy can be to provide as many other positive recommendations as p ossible to counteract the impact, or perhaps make it unnecessary for employers to seek input from that manager. Or, if you are certain that the manager will still be contacted despite leid being on your reference list, you can be proactive. Reach out to the former manager, and explain the situation- that you know you didnt part on the best terms, and would not normally put the person down as a reference, but that you believe the hiring company will be in touch anyway. Many people will be willing to let bygones be bygones, and you may be able to negotiate to a reference that you both feel comfortable with. In some cases, you might have a better relationship with your prior managers boss and can enlist their support. In other situations, you can tap a combination of colleagues at your level, customers, and staff who reported to you in order to fill out your roster of references. Check Your Own References Some candidates will have a trusted friend, posing as a reference checker or a background checking service, reach out to a possibly troublesome previous supervisor to ascertain how they might respond to a check. Others hire a reference checking service to discover what past employers are saying about them. Candidates who discover a potentially damaging reference might then initiate dialogue with the manager in an attempt to negotiate a more positive recommendation. If that effort is unsuccessful, you could consider contacting the Human Resources (HR) department of your former employer to mention that your search is being adversely impacted by a former managers negative recommendation. In some cases, HR will advise the manager to avoid such references as a matter of policy to avoid legal liability or negative publicity. Negotiating a Good Reference If you leave an employer under difficult circumstances, it is sometimes possible to negotiate a positive recommendation as part of the severance process. Of course, the best way to avoid negative recommendation s is to cultivate positive relationships with managers, whenever possible, and to resist the temptation of saying anything negative when leaving a job.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Create Your Next Job

Create Your Next JobCreate Your Next JobThe perfect job may not be listed on a job board or even exist yet.Your ideal employment opportunity might not be listed on a job board. For that matter, it might not even have a job description. Here are some tips on identifying, developing and landing a job that doesnt currently exist.Change How You Search.Most job seekers search for relevant positions rather than preferred places to work. You might assume that your dream employer isnt in need of what youre offering because theyre not advertising for it. The reality is that every single successful company is open to receiving top talent. Take it from me as a business developer for an executive search firm - leading organizations agree that human capital is their fruchtwein valued asset and will pay to find more. If youre confident in your value aussage, go directly to your dream companies and offer them your skill set.Avoid Black Holes.Although it may sometimes work, I dont recommend sending your information through the company Web site or a general e-mail address. Clients have admitted to me that their process for receiving resumes online is not effective. In fact, I recall one situation where a client paid a fee to a recruiter for presenting a candidate who was already in their system.Go to the Top.Since were talking about developing a position that doesnt exist, human resources might not be the optimal place to go. HR is primarily focused on filling active searches that can keep them exceptionally busy. You want to determine who the hiring manager would be based on what it is that you can do. Its good to know that you can find many of these people on a companys Web site or just by doing a bit of research. If youre interested in working within the marketing department, contact the vice president of marketing or the chief marketing officer (CMO).Make Them Want You.Once you identify the right person its important that you meet face to face. After all, youre interested in exploring a situation that may not have been on this individuals mind. A colleague of mine who had been a VP of sales recently fell in love with an Internet company that didnt seem to have a sales leader. He reached out to the CEO and set up a lunch. After that meeting and several weeks spent courting the board of directors, the company hired him as their chief revenue officer.Being engaging and having a compelling value proposition can help you create your dream job. Remember, only you can create your next job.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Three Ways Youre Sabotaging Yourself

Three Ways Youre Sabotaging YourselfThree Ways Youre Sabotaging YourselfWhile youre reviewing the thousands of job openings and employers on Ladders this week, here are three ways you just might be sabotaging your own job search (without realizing it)1. Can a stranger read your resume?Print out your resume. Take the top third and rip it off. Hand it to somebody you dont know.Can they tell you, without asking you any additional questions, what you want to do next?For too many of our subscribers, the answer is no. The reason is that youre trying to do the wrong thing with the top third of your resume. Youre trying to tell people about your character and your abilities and your many, many different skills and your flexibility and too many thingsYou know what the person who is reading your resume is trying to find out?Does this gal, or guy, want this job that I have to fill?Obviously, given that youve spent the time to create a resume and send it to them, they know you want a job. But do you want this particular job?Is it something that youve done before? If so, did you like it? If so, do you want to do it again?Because you spend all of your time with yourself, it seems so very obvious that you want the type of job that youre looking for.But strangers dont know that. And, chances are, youll most likely be hired by a stranger.So its important that you make it easy for people who dont know you.Show them, at the very top of your resume, what job you want, and why youre qualified for it. Youre not naming every skill and experience, but youre giving the reader a sense of what you can do.If they cant tell, by reading the top third of your resume, what you want to do next, then youre never going to get to the next step.2. Did you talk to a live person today?The netz delivers you news, information, funny cat videos, electronic books, fashionable shopping, and, via, the latest and greatest job listings at the professional level.So hooray for the internet.But her es the truth - the internet is not going to hire you.No, youll be hired by a living, breathing, thinking, smiling person.So the question is did you talk to that person today? Did you try to?Its important, while youre searching, looking, peeking and applying to all those great jobs you find at Ladders, that you also realize that you need to make talking to people, live, in person or on the phone, a priority.Have you called your old contacts? Returned the call from the company that perhaps youre only mildly interested in? Have you taken a former colleague to lunch? Did you call back the recruiters youve met over the past six months? Drop by a conference?Connecting with people, live, in person or on the phone, is essential to getting hired. Too often, we fool ourselves into believing that self-directed activity is the best way to get hired. Its not. Connecting with others is.If youre more of an introvert, more comfortable communicating by writing than by speaking, you can still connec t with others. Im not going to mislead you and say that its better, but its still sufficient if you write thoughtful, sensible blog posts, comments, emails and contributions on industry-related topics and threads. But its important that youre connecting with others, not just yourself.When it comes to getting hired, you need to ensure that every day is a talk to a person who could potentially hire me day.Because eventually they will.3. What email address do you use professionally? If youre using AOL, or your local cable provider, you could be inadvertently shooting yourself in the foot.Only 4% of new users at Ladders sign up with AOL email addresses these days. If youre still using AOL to represent yourself professionally, it could be sending a signal that youre uncomfortable with new technology and that you havent prioritized keeping your skills up-to-date.Using your local cable providers default email - whether its,, or - increases the chances of a typo leading to a missed connection. Because people dont pay as much attention, or care, to what theyre typing after the sign, using less-familiar domains in your email should be avoided.Just over 49% of new users at Ladders use Because Gmail is well-known for its utility, ease-of-use, and power, using Gmail as your address is a smart move that also sends the message that youre up-to-date with the times.Whats before the sign is important too.Common household or joint email strategies such as jimandnancy, smithhousehold, or bluthfamily are not good email addresses to use for your professional job search. Professionals are accustomed to writing directly to other professionals. Requesting that they email your spouse kids when contacting you is awkward.The best email address is your first name, followed by a dot, followed by your last name, at gmail.comsheldon.coopergmail.comIf thats taken, then for the purposes of your job search, add next years number to you r addresssheldon.cooper.2017gmail.comYoure probably going to be using this email address into the New Year anyway and starting now makes you seem ahead of the times. And everybody wants to hire somebody from the future, right?So those are the three things you might be doing to sabotage your own efforts in the job search, Readers. Avoid them and prosper.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How to Network at Work (Carefully) - The Muse

How to Network at Work (Carefully) - The MuseHow to Network at Work (Carefully) Youve enjoyed your job. And youre really darn good at it. But youre starting to feel the itch.It may not be a full-blown burn (yet), but youre wondering what it might be like to go do something else- in another department, city, or entirely different organization. And you know people who might be supremely helpful.Theres just one small problem You work with them. Theyre a client, or a business partner, or a company your team works closely with. Or, theyre sitting just a table or amtsstube away and you have your eye on making an internal transfer.Basically, the people best-equipped to help you explore your next career opportunity are kind of (or, completely) the last people who can know that youre thinking about making a change.If this is your challenge, fear not- you can still make progress without jeopardizing your job. You just need to proceed with care and a good strategy. Here are five tips that will help guide you in how to network at work1. Volunteer for Special ProjectsAre there opportunities available at your company to volunteer for stretch assignments, special projects, or cross-functional committees? If you have designs on shifting to another group within your current organization, raise your hand for any and all of these assignments.By working on something with a new set of people, youll not only have the chance to learn about other departments and network with co-workers on those teams, youll gain exposure well beyond your current scope that may help in padding your resume, should you decide to make the switch.Be sure to capitalize on that exposure, too. Ask your teammates questions about what theyre working on, the challenges they face, the skills theyve built, the people theyve worked with, or the best parts of their jobs. You can certainly show interest and gain some helpful knowledge or connections without appearing suspicious- after all, youre just making small tal k- and these types of projects provide a great opportunity to do so.2. Knock Their Socks OffMaybe youre sitting there thinking, Hmmmmmy top customer sure would be a great point person if Im thinking about shifting into field/company. Before I go further, Ill say flat-out that this is one of those moments when you should proceed with extreme caution. You dont want to screw up a customer relationship and your current employment by overstepping your boundaries. If youre feeling like a client or colleague could be a great person to network with, make sure youre consistently knocking it out of the park and excelling at the work you do for them. Show that person what a valuable and irreplaceable asset you are, day in and day out. Folks who landsee how great you are at your job will be that much more inclined to hire you or recommend you to someone else in the future.Also, express interest in that persons work, their goals, and their life outside the office (just dont get too personal). Pe ople love it when they feel valued and noticed, and theyll often be more than willing to return the goodwill if youve been an ally and someone who has helped make their job easier.3. Make it a Long GameIf youre not pants-on-fire dying to make a move, view this as a long-game versus a rush. Focus on building relationships and trust with the people you think (or know) may be beneficial to your career path.Theres plenty of truth to the saying, Its not what you know, its who you know. But the real benefit of networking goes beyond simply knowing someone. Its also about how they feel about you and your capabilities, your personality, and your work ethic.So, say youre working at your companys Chicago office and hoping to transfer to the Seattle location within the next year or so. Now would be the time to get to know your counterparts in Seattle. Certainly, you dont want to be disingenuous about it (people can smell that a mile away), but if your job gives you plausible reason to communic ate with, demonstrate your talents to, and win over those colleagues, start the process well before your itch becomes an inferno. When the time comes for you to apply for that transfer, youll feel confident your co-workers are eager to have you hop on board their team- and will advocate willingly for you.4. Keep a Lid on ComplainingNo matter who youre trying to connect with, resist the temptation to say anything negative about your current job. Nothing turns off a key client not only from doing business with you, but also from being your career guide like badmouthing your current company- even if it has nothing to do with them and everything to do with your specific role, team, or manager. The same goes for current colleagues, whether theyre down the hall or across the country. Focus your energies on expanding your network and expertise and maintaining a positive professional image instead.5. Dont Count on People to Keep the SecretThis is an important final thought As close as you m ight feel to your colleagues and clients, you cant always count on them not to spread the word if you divulge that youre kind of sort of looking for something new. Its not that theyre purposefully trying to ruin your plans- its just that sometimes people really like feeling in the know when in water cooler (or happy hour) conversations, and as a result tend to spill the beans.If youre not flat-out ready for others (a.k.a, your boss) to know youre sniffing around, its probably best to keep your ideas or intentions on the down-low. Again, do some positioning. Ask curious questions. Get exposure beyond your current department, office location, or company. As highlighted above, you can do all these things without revealing your true motives- networking is ultimately about more than just saying help me find a job. Just dont count on anyone but your besties to keep a lid on it. Theres nothing wrong with networking on the job as long as youre keeping on top of your tasks, being genuine, an d continuing to show loyalty and respect for your current employer. By having a strong work ethic and eagerness to learn, youll immediately attract the right kind of attention from the right kinds of people who can set you on a path to success.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Newly Leaked Secrets to Ressume Models Uncovered

The Newly Leaked Secrets to Ressume Models Uncovered Key Pieces of Ressume Models The abilities and other details you will include ought to be related to what it is that you are applying for. Your jobs might be varied, your experience and abilities vast, and it can be hard getting it all on paper. Your resume or CV may be among the most important projects you ever design. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. Achieving success in the modelling business isnt always simple. To learn mora on what it requires to be a Fashion Model, take a look at our complete Fashion Model Job Description. Curriculum design is a large parte of teaching. however, it can be difficult to know precisely what it means. Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that can help you get your fantasy job. Its cool that youre searching for a job to have some money, but you need some issues with resume. Each time you apply to get a new job, check your r esume to make sure that it is not only targeted, but in addition current. When youre working at your present job you arent stressed, seems like everything goes smooth and with no troubles. If youre thinking that you require a person to compose my essay at the moment, you can merely rely on our honest reviews. Having a look at how others wrote their resumes can offer you some great ideas. The solution is yes in the event you wish to. The Ressume Models Chronicles Every one of them boasts a clean appearance, yellow accents, and Roboto font, which will provide a modern appearance to your documents. There shouldnt be any half pages of content, so only incorporate an extra page if its possible to fill it meaningfully. Take a look at our article on the way to use your job references strategically in the event that you need more info. Once youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to know how to vary using action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a high ly effective accomplishment statement. Ressume Models and Ressume Models - The Perfect Combination For the identical legal reasons, do not incorporate a photo (unless it is appropriate for a specific job). If you are in possession of a lengthy collection of past work, think about attaching an addendum. A complete pick for candidates with plenty of experience who desire to have a really good one-page resume template. There are lots of beautiful resume templates out there, but nevertheless, it can be simple to feel as a lot of the greatest cost a ridiculous quantity of money, require special design programs in order to edit, or both.The resume format sample ought to be carried out well. You may use the very same graphic on your cover letter to provide your application a polished, pulled-together appearance. The Illustrator file makes the the majority of colour to assist its simplicity. The upcoming free resume template is made in the shape of a brochure. The work market is p erpetually evolving, consequently, the best Curriculum Vitae will change completely every 2 years. Nowadays a CV has to be viewed as the candidates publicity. Developing a CV based on your skills are sometimes a fantastic concept, especially if youre a mature candidate who has an extensive collection of previous positions or in case you have a lot of skills to provide. The point is to not only underline the skills you have that relate to the job which youre applying to, but in addition provide your prospective employer with a chronological record of the jobs youve held previously. The further skills can be in agreement with the job or completely different. Zetys resume templates are made with the assistance of recruiters and adhere to the best practices in HR. Details of Ressume Models Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage. Each resume format was made to improve your odds to find the job in 2018. Employing a resume template is now an acceptable and smart practice for quite a few explanations. Free Resume examples are like samples of resumes with the suitable format, the suitable structure and the suitable content details. Whats also cool about our hand-picked selection is the simple fact that numerous packages include bonuses like cover letters or company cards. To aid you in getting started, weve compiled a streak of model resume samples that demonstrate best practices for a number of job titles within the business. If youre asking for work in an unfamiliar geography, you may want to ask a neighborhood friend (or friend of friend) to find a sample resume.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Ugly Side of Create Indeed Resume

The Ugly Side of Create Indeed Resume Details of Create Indeed Resume The target of yur resume is to secure you the interview. HR will be quite so impressed with your resume they might even ask how you built it. Think about your resume from the view of HR. Following that, you can start to look for positions which are related to your abilities. You only have to put down the credentials that will likely be employed on each application abilities and experience related to particular jobs, and of course your opening paragraph, ought to be crafted to fit a specific job description. Ensure you know the abilities and experience men and women in your industry are seeking in job candidates. It is possible to search the Indeed Resumes of men and women in your field to find out what skills and accomplishments they emphasise. The Downside Risk of Create Indeed Resume There are specific key terms and key phrases that you need to use instead of others, but sometimes it can be difficult to specify which ones are best. There are several creative suggestions to receive your resume noticed. Reading content backwardsawkward and time-consuming though it could beis a fantastic way to catch minor mistakes which you might otherwise miss. In order to acquire professional resume without waiting much, its critical to offer genuine info to resume writers as and when required. Few resources are able to make a huge difference in case you have written resume previously. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the considerable cost saving in contrast to traditional hiring methods. If you are experiencing a rough time assessing your skills, get assist. As mentioned earlier, you should be entirely familiarized with the very best programs that people in your field usage, and be certain to call out your proficiency in your resume. The Create Indeed Resume Chronicles It is possible to have a look at our post on the best resume formats here in order to see which one is correct for you. Resumes may alter in length. Developing a professional resume is the basic yet crucial requirement for virtually any work search whether youre a fresher or a seasoned jobseeker. Resumes may be used for a number of reasons, but most often theyre utilised to secure new employment. They may be organized in different ways. Indeed they are visible to employers so that they can let you know about jobs you might be interested in. Be certain to never use the stock template language, particularly for important sections of a resume like the objective statement. When youve uploaded your resume, after that you can adjust the settings to pinpoint who can observe the document. To put it differently, its solely your cooperation that can be chief supply of information to create relevant resume format for you. If thats the case, dont fret about what it appears like, because its going to be consistent with the other resumes in the database. Where to Find Create Indeed Res ume You are able to use resources including Stack Overflow to guarantee youre utilizing the industry standard spellings and capitalizations. To help our customers we started to offer marketing services like search engine optimization, social networking, and content advertising. There are different alternatives to take into consideration when it has to do with putting together an online resume. Its also important to think about the type of work you really wish to be hired to do. Depending on the essence of the job, it may be any variety of words or word combinations that indicate you might have the abilities and experience required for the job. There are several unique ways which you could look for a candidate on Indeed and even more ways which you could submit your resume. When it has to do with your work history, begin with the latest job you had. The Debate Over Create Indeed Resume You are able to contact Karen at When you submit an application for jobs on the website, you simply should click the saved resume you created on the website. The Basic Facts of Create Indeed Resume A list of Indeed Resume Mistakes that youre going to want to prevent. The bulk of Indeed resumes that show up on the very first page are resumes which have been updated within the last few months. Using Microsoft word to create a resume can be extremely uncomplicated but at the exact time just a little bit sophisticated if you dont understand how to do it. Uploading a resume online can be a terrific way for job applicants to grow their exposure, and so increase their likelihood of landing a desirable job.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

How to Negotiate Like a Lawyer

How to Negotiate Like a Lawyer Everyprofessional should be well versed in how to negotiate. Whether youre ajunior employee making a case for a promotion, an HR professional selecting company insurance benefits, or a top executive brokering new deals, behauptung skills will come in handy.However, few professionals have any formal education on negotiation, and strategies vary depending on circumstances. Negotiation is a competency best developed through practice, and few have more experience in that realm than lawyers, who develop the acumen on their own through years in the courtroom and at the negotiation table.Although negotiation strategies arent steadfast, experienced attorneys have developed over the years several best practices that apply across the board. Here are five tips to help you negotiate like an attorney1. Evaluate the gegenseiteBefore you can determine your strategy, its important to know who youre up against. Is the other party aggress ive and impatient? Do they interrupt you when youre speaking? Are their documents well-developed or self-contradictory?In the digital age, gauging your opponents strengths and weaknesses can be difficult, as its impossible to interpret body language and context clues over the phone. A good way to evaluate negotiation style is to start with a conference call. Keep it short and identify the main goals of the negotiation. Consider the technique used by the title character from the 1970s detective show Columbo. By saying, Im confused. Can you explain what you want to accomplish? you can find out how the other party responds, where theyre likely to make mistakes, and whether they show inattention to detail. Based on that evaluation, you can determine how to proceed.2. Determine Your ApproachOnce youve gathered information from the other party, you can decide how to approach the negotiation. If theyre quick to speak over you and have trouble listening, perhaps sending individual emails wi ll be the most effective form of communication. If theres a peacekeeper in the group, a meeting that includes everyone can keep the one outlier in check. Decide how to communicate, and then consider whether a collaborative dialogue will work, or if you need to follow a structured agenda.Be conscious of time during the negotiation phase. If youre on a deadline, its best to avoid scheduling face-to-face meetings that require additional time to organize and attend. Phone calls and video conferences are more efficient.Still its wise to avoid becoming overly rigid. Even if youve decided on one approach, remain flexible in negotiations. In fact, the negotiation strategy or approach can differ issue by issue.3. Know mora About Them Than They Know About YouLearn everything you can not only about your client, but also about the opposition. Understand the ins and outs of their business. Who makes their decisions? How do they operate? What keeps them up at night? If you invest time on the fro nt end doing research, youll save time in the long run. By knowing the last few deals theyve closed and how theyve functioned in the past, youll have an idea of how theyre likely to work with you. Include in your research an evaluation of who has the sense of urgency. A sense of urgency puts pressure on closing a deal.Find out whats important to the opposition. Your benefit isnt always their burden, and if you can find areas that are mutually beneficial to both parties, youll have a successful negotiation.4. Throw Them a BoneOnce you know what matters most to the opposing negotiator, compare and contrast that with what matters most to you. Figureout what points youre willing to concede. If you can let go of minor issues, youll have leverage to win on the more important parts of the deal. After a successful negotiation, both parties should feel that they won on some components, even if they lost on others.5. Close the DealAs you reach the finish line, you should have a clean exit str ategy. Know your priorities, cap a dollar amount if applicable, and draw a firm bottom line, referencing the terms presented at the beginning of the deal. Check that all the key provisions have been met, confirm by email and then develop a contract that clearly defines all the components of the negotiation. Your end goal is a written confirmation of the agreement. If youve used creative solutions to reach a consensus, all parties should leave the negotiation happy.Bargaining is an important part of business. Whether its over benefits or partnerships, all professionals can negotiate like attorneys. While the rules arent hard and fast, you should always remember these three things Read everything. Trust no one. Assume nothing.Ralph Levy is an attorney with the Nashville office of Dickinson Wright, PLLC,and formally served as general counselor and corporate vice president for a national health care company. He currently focuses his practice in corporate law, estate planning, and health care law. Reach him at Darlene Marsh is a member attorney in the Nashville office of Dickinson Wright, PLLC, a national law firm with offices across the United States and Canada. Herpractice is focused in commercial real estate, corporate finance, and environmental compliance. Reach her at

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tax Time Happy Returns from the Job Search

Tax Time Happy Returns from the Job SearchTax Time Happy Returns from the Job SearchDig out those job-search receipts If you shelled out for resume preparation, employment agency fees or interview-related travel in 2009, you might see some of that money come back to you.Her husband is an aeronautical engineer. They moved from Texas to Connecticut, where he found work with a defense contractor. She, however, worked in what has become one of the hardest hit sectors in the recession financial services.Obviously, finding a job in her new state wouldnt be easy. Neither, apparently, welches doing her taxes, since she didnt have a firm grasp of what job-search expenses she could deduct. And the woman in question was passing up easy opportunities for deductions, said Theodore D. Lanzaro Jr., a certified public accountant and managing partner of Lanzaro CPA, in Connecticut, who helped the woman prepare her tax return.She had had a lot of obvious stuff, like driving to an interview, phone call s, prepping her resume, but she didnt have deductions for talking to a career counselor. She paid somebody $250 for career counseling. Thats deductible, but she didnt know that. She didnt know she could deduct newspapers and magazines she bought to look for jobs.The more they talked about how she was going about finding a job, Lanzaro said, the more deductions they found she could take. Lanzaro and his associates discovered several thousand dollars in Internal Revenue Service deductions the woman would have willingly paid, had she never asked.Shes not alone, said Lanzaro and tax experts who spoke to Ladders. The line between a deductible item and a taxable purchase is not clear. The money you spent to have your resume rewritten is tax deductible, but the money spent on a new geschftsleben suit is probably not.To help clarify the issue, Ladders asked accountants and tax preparation experts to evaluate the tax liability of some of the most common job-search expenses. In all cases, job seekers should consult a tax professional for authoritative advice on their individual cases, but the advice that follows can help you determine some of the best guidelines to follow when considering purchases that could be tax deductible.Who is eligible?Many job seekers arent even aware they qualify to deduct job-search expenses on their taxes. They assume deductions are reserved for the unemployed. Not so, said Bob Meighan, CPA and vice president at TurboTax. The IRS allows anyone, employed or not, to deduct some of the cost of finding a job from his final tax bill. The limits apply to what kind of job youre looking for and your individual expenses.In short, your job search must be in the same line of work in which you are currently or were most recently employed, he said. It should also be at a similar level of responsibility with duties similar to those of your most recent job. If you havent held a job in that trade or business for an extended length of time, your job search wi ll be considered for a new trade or business, and your deductions may not be allowed.Recent college graduates should bear in mind these qualifications If you held a college internship or valid job while in college and your search is for a job in the same trade or business, you will be able to deduct job search expenses. Otherwise, it is a new trade under IRS rules.Whats OK to deduct?Some of the most common tax deductions associated with a job search include1. Employment agency/career coaching fees. If you paid for a career coach or used an employment agency, most of the charges are tax deductible. If your employer paid for such services, you may actually have a tax liability. ( See the attached worksheet.)2. Resume preparation. This includes using a professional resume writer, paper, printing and postage.3. Round-trip travel to job interviews. That includes airfare, meals (at 50 percent) and lodging (actual expenses only). For your 2009 return, you can deduct 55 cents per mile for d riving to and from interviews. In 2010, this deduction will drop to 50 cents per mile. Be warned If you combine a vacation with a trip to conduct an interview, you could get into trouble with the IRS.4. Advertising for a job, such as in the job wanted column of your local newspaper.5. Newspapers and periodicals purchased to search through employment ads.6. Phone charges incurred when setting up interviews.7. Education credits for tuition, related fees and books are generally tax deductible. There are two education tax credits of which you should be aware the American Opportunity Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit.The American Opportunity Credit gives credit up to $2,500 per student for postsecondary education. It breaks down to 100 percent of the first $2,000 of expenses, and then 25 percent of the next $2,000, said Melissa Labant, a tax expert with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. In order to claim the entire $2,500 credit, youd spend a total of $4,000 i n education expenses. This credit is more generous than others in that it not only covers tuition, but covers books and related fees as well.Note that married couples filing jointly can get 100 percent of the American Opportunity Credit if their combined income is $160,000 or less, making it widely available to middle-class taxpayers, Labant said.Graduate-level classes typically thema under the Lifetime Learning Credit, she said. This credit covers individuals paying qualified tuition and related expenses at a postsecondary, eligible educational institution. The IRS site points out that unlike the Hope Scholarship Credit, students are not required to be enrolled at least half-time in one of the first two years of postsecondary education.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How Birchboxs CEO Handles Advice From Others - The Muse

How Birchboxs CEO Handles Advice From Others - The MuseHow Birchboxs CEO Handles Advice From OthersIm the queen of second opinions. I cant buy a pair of jeans without sending a mirror selfie to someone else to get more input, I refuse to book a hotel without checking at least three different review sites, and I still struggle to send tricky emails without first running them by someone else on my team. Because of this, Ive ended up buying pants that I hate two weeks later, or staying at a hotel that wasnt my vibe, or writing an email that didnt really sound like me, all because someone else told me to. So, recently Ive made it my goal to seek out advice with the goal of making the fruchtwein educated decision, rather than seek it out to get my decision.Which is why when I spoke to Katia Beauchamp, the CEO and founder of Birchbox, a subscription service for beauty products, about her ultimate life mantra, I was thrilled to hear she lived by the same philosophyMy best advice is to seek advice. All the time, you should ask people about their experiences and how they weigh options and pick paths forward. I made the mistake early on of not spending enough time doing this. Why? Because I was busy, for one, and because it invited so many different opinions and ideas- it made my head spin. Ive since realized that its not about bringing someone in to actually get an answer. This is about gathering as much perspective as possible, and it should never stop. It is about learning all the time it is the only way to speed up the journey of developing an even deeper sense of and instinct for what you are doing. Outside ideas are there for you to consider, to think about, and question whether you want to take pieces of themit is up to you to use them to shape your vision, beliefs, and drivers. Many people talk about information overload and decision fatigue. But like Beauchamp, I choose to believe theres another side to the coin- receiving options is liberating, with the right m indset.As she explains, asking for someone elses advice isnt about getting the right answer out of them. Rather, its about adding perspective to your current situation so you can choose the right answer for you.So, how can you ensure a second opinion doesnt cloud your judgement? Consider these two things before reaching outWhat part of your decision are you unwavering on? What part of your decision are you unsure about?Going back to the jeans example, I may be certain that I want them in a dark wash, but unsure whether I should go with ripped or classic. So, when I ask for a second opinion, I can ask them what they think about the style to steer them toward helping me make that decision.The same thing goes for career advice. People may throw ideas out there for the kind of job you should have, the kind of path you should take, the kind of responsibilities you should own, or the kinds of decisions you should make. You can let it overwhelm you, or you can pick and choose what you want to factor in, and let everything else fall to the wayside.It seems silly, but its truly that simple. Once you see others advice as something you can take rather than something you have to take, the pressures off, and you can make decisions that align with your values.As Beauchamp says, this will only help you develop stronger internal instincts- and ultimately a better sense of who you are.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

6 email mistakes youre making (and how to fix them)

6 email mistakes you’re making (and how to fix them) 6 email mistakes you’re making (and how to fix them) Last week I posted on my social networks asking people to share their email pet peeves. I expected a few responses, since who doesn’t want an opportunity to vent? What I did not expect was such a passionate response with very specific details about what irks everyone beyond measure.If you’re wondering if your own emails are annoying, it’s fine to ask your friends or colleagues for their input. “I believe the only way we can become better at what we do is by paying constant attention to the feedback we receive,” said Liviu Tanase, CEO of ZeroBounce. “ Asking others what you could improve in your email technique shows modesty and the desire to listen and learn. That’s a great starting point for progress.” But don’t randomly try to correct the egregious email techniques of others “Offering unsolicited advice is always tricky,” Tanase offers, “but if it’s someone you care about, there are delicate ways to suggest an improvement. Use your best judgment.”This ar ticle could easily have been called 600 Of the Extremely Annoying Things You Do on Email and Must Stop Immediately, but for the purposes of brevity and clarity, I’ve whittled down the list to six of the worst offenders.In no particular order:You hit reply allThere’s a point in every email chain where the group share must stop. In fact, the vast majority of email chains should not include everyone in every department you’ve ever worked with. Here’s a good rule of thumb â€" pretend that those copied on the chain will invoice you for your time - much as a high-priced attorney might. Would you still copy them on the memo about the frosting on the cupcakes at the company picnic? Probably not.You use text speakPlease don’t. Unless it’s your BFF, leave the cutesy text acronyms for those you’re sure will  understand them. Nothing looks less professional than a business email rich with “ur” “kk” andYou rambleThen ramble some more: They say that time is money, so includ ing dozens of superfluous details in an email keeps people from doing their actual jobs. If you have a lot to say, try to break up each point into short readable sections. If you have too much to say, send yourself a copy of your very important email first and then scan through for readability before hitting send.You send a DM when you should email/You email when you should send a DMPersonally, I hate it when random strangers try to pitch me using social media. While I love to engage with others online, I prefer it to be measured in increments and not pressured. For me at least, sending an email means I can filter it and save for future reference. My very busy friend Eugene is quite the opposite and loathes email. If you need to reach him urgently, Facebook messenger or similar is his stay in touch method of choice. The takeaway lesson here? Find out if the person you’re in touch with even uses email, and if not, their preferred communications method.You neglect to properly define yourself or your companyNever assume that the person on the receiving end knows who you are and what you do. You’re probably best off using a loose formula when it comes to initial or early contacts. Tanase says in personal or strictly business email, “There are some basic guidelines we all know and should follow.” And a lot has to do with the image you’ve created for yourself or your organization. “Does your company have a more serious approach in the way it communicates? Then use the same tone of voice whether you’re sending a blast or a one on one email. Have you always infused your communication with lots of personality?” Tanase says “Don’t be afraid to do the same in your emails. But, there’s a fine line between having personality and coming across as unprofessional. Make sure you don’t cross that line.”You send out emails no one cares aboutI don’t have any handy statistics about the bazillion people we encounter over a lifetime, but it’s definitely a lot. Never assume that someone knows or remembers you or your company. More than that, never assume they want to hear from you. And if you do randomly write, try to offer them something - knowledge, a laugh, a business tidbit they probably missed. Tanase says “Billions of people around the world are using email to communicate. It’s fast, efficient, and has turned into an incredible revenue generator for businesses of all sizes. Speaking of unsolicited advice, if there’s one I would give, it would be to take good care of your email list. It’s your number one asset and its hygiene makes a crucial impact on your email marketing ROI.”

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

This city has the most employees who quit over a bad commute

This city has the most employees who quit over a bad commute This city has the most employees who quit over a bad commute New data from global staffing firm Robert Half shows that Chicago is the American city with the greatest amount of employees who say they quit their job over “a bad commute.”  Overall, 23% of respondents said that they’ve quit for this reason, but those ages 18 to 34 were most likely to say so at 34%.  This also was true for 28% of men and 20% of women.An independent research firm surveyed more than 2,800 adult office employees “in 28 major U.S. cities.”Cities with the most workers who’ve quit over their commuteCheck them out:1) Chicago2) Miami3) New York4) San FranciscoPaul McDonald, senior executive director for Robert Half, commented on the research in a statement:“Commutes can have a major impact on morale and, ultimately, an employee’s decision to stay with or leave a job,” he said. “In today’s candidate-driven market, skilled workers can have multiple offers on the table. Professionals may not need to put up with a lengthy or stressful trip to the office i f there are better options available. … To help ease commuting woes, companies can offer remote work options, flexible scheduling or transportation amenities.”What employers do to combat commuting issuesBut while 39% surveyed say that their commute has “gotten better” within the past five years, 22% said it’s “worse,” and 39% said there’s been “no change.” In terms of age, those  18 to 34 were most likely to choose the “better” option at 56%, those 55 and older were most likely to pick the “worse” option at 26% and those 55 and older were also most likely to pick “no change” at 50%.But among those who said it’s gotten “worse,” this is how their employer has tried to better their commute: “My company hasn’t taken action:” 60% “My hours are flexible so I don’t travel during rush hour:” 20% “They allow me to work from home:” 14% “They pay for public transportation:” 11% “They pay for parking:” 10% “They provide carpools/vanpools/shuttles:” 8% Furthermore, the most workers in these cities say that “their commute has gotten worse:”1) Seattle2) Denver3) San Francisco Austin (tie)

Monday, November 18, 2019

12 Obstacles That Affect Your Career Brand Voice

12 Obstacles That Affect Your Career Brand Voice 12 Obstacles That Affect Your Career Brand Voice Everyone is an authority at least in his or her household, or at the minimum, self. Right? Or maybe you are an insider and can speak authoritatively about your industry, hobby, or passion. Authority is essential in your career brand voice. People get psyched out when they hear a loud voice that is demeaning and demanding. Thats a career brand voice that these days most will pass on. Trust is earned and won, and that is what people will be drawn to at the end of the day. Your actions are also a key to establishing a professional brand and voice. I mean, you should do what you say you will do and people believe you. Or you dont meet your goals that you set for yourself. Its almost as if your words fall to the ground. Want more clients? Want more opportunities. If your voice doesnt have a brand, you give the control to someone else. I have 12 ways to identify why your voice lacks authority or credibility. This will help you connect with people much faster, with assurance, and open the doors to opportunities you didnt think existed before. Here are 12 obstacles that affect your career brand voice! Lack of Focus You can have too many influences, heroes, and mentors if you lack core beliefs and values. The overflow of your heart or lack thereof will surface. If people dont know where youre going  or are confused by the direction of your actions and words, no one will buy in. If your messaging is unclear and unfocused, eventually your network and (Lord forbid) those who consider you for jobs become uninterested. Its best to master one point and two sub-points at a time. Better yet, one point might be best. Trying Too Hard Lets say you meet someone that can put you in the right persons hiring radar. Instead of being patient, you start calling twice a day for a week to ask how things are progressing. What are the chances your contact is so annoyed he or she is now ignoring you? Inciteful but Never Insightful You want to be seen as original, but at the cost of someone elses ideas or content. You rather erroneously quote or regurgitate others ideas as your own. When people hear you, or see your work, and it becomes obvious that you dont have an original thought, then people will lose respect or confront you until you give correct attribution. We have all seen people who suck up to people for other reasons than be valuable. It never ends well and the last thing they get is respect. Weak or Wrong Delivery Method People think that a loud delivery for their ideas is the most effective when it only compensates for weak ideas. Great ideas need the right delivery, to inspire the right action, and by the right people. Sometimes, less is more, especially when we have the right solution. I have a soft voice, but I believe in the proverb, A gentle word breaks a bone. The secret is being confident in what I say (often preceded by much thought). You can do it too! Lack of Experience I am turned off when people say they have a passion for a career  or task but lack the work, credentials, or research to demonstrate competence. The first few hundred times may not be enough to claim yourself as an expert. If thats the case, there are other questions and concerns you should have, and put in more reps (more work). Not Growing Professionally To use a fitness analogy, to grow muscles, they must be worked to failure every now and then. Reps are done until the muscle is overloaded with work until no more reps can be performed. You dont grow, because you havent been overloaded or worked to failure. Muscles must be challenged regularly to grow, and so do you. You want to grow, stretch, and show your usefulness. Create a blog and take people on that journey with you! Not Asking Questions, Lacking Depth Great questions come from great listening skills. Not asking an interview question is lazy, but lacking depth in asking a question says so much more negatively. People who succeed obtain the job he or she wants over and over again, and ask simple but profound questions. Lacking Initiative Successful career management is partly intuitive. There are hints as we go along that point us in the right direction. Sometimes, its weird but many times that voice inside should be heard, and to quell it requires initiation and action. Perhaps youre afraid to fail or to make a mistake. People are likely to forget the missed shot if you make the next shot. Temperament If you are easily frustrated, then people will find it easy to say no to you. Apply temperance to any area in life, but specifically to your career management or job search efforts. Your Life All unclear goals, objectives, and targets lacking in purpose will come into play in everything you do in your career. The pattern in your life shows that youre a shooting star: vibrant at first, then dissipates like sparkles. Thats rarely a good thing. No Follow-Up This is a must-have skill. Without it you will never thrive. Want to work from home? Want to freelance? The follow-up is the money maker probably missing from your arsenal. To emphasize an  earlier point, when you say youll do it, and you dont, no one takes you seriously. Dont Promote, Market, or Advertise Yourself I am not a big fan of wearing a banner or showing my face on a billboard, but I have a website for that. Its probably the difference between someone finding you and your uniqueness, or wondering why youre unique. This can be challenging if you are used to not being in control of your career. Job seekers have much more confidence and faith when he or she have a pliable attitude willing to pivot, turn, or turnaround even. Wherever your opportunities will come from, it will depend on how you develop a career voice that is recognized by the right employer, business partner, or client. Readers, is your career brand voice affected by any of these obstacles? How do you overcome them? Share with us below! Mark Anthony Dyson is the founder of, and a Career Consultant, Writer, Career Educator, Entrepreneur, Trainer, and Speaker. His goal is to give job seekers from all walks of life the voice that stand out in a crowded field of job competitors.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Rosa Obregon Space Pioneer

Rosa Obregon Space Pioneer Rosa Obregon Space Pioneer Rosa Obregons childhood fascination with the night sky only grew the more she peered into the telescope her father set up on the familys front lawn in southern Texas. And grow it did, so much so throughout her school years that she applied and was accepted at MIT, where she studied aerospace engineering. Today, Obregon, 30, is the lead mechanical engineer at NASAs John C. Stennis Space Center in southern Mississippi, NASAs primary rocket propulsion testing ground and the nations largest such center. From 1975 until 2009, the centers primary mission was to test the main engines that launched the space shuttle into orbit. With that program ended, Stennis competes with private enterprises for projects testing rocket engines of commercial spacecraft of the future. Rocket Testing At the front and center of rocket testing, Obregon still feels much of the same excitement she felt as a new employee when in the final minutes of countdown, the ceiling tiles shake in the control room, she says. Rosa Obregon’s fascination with the night sky led to an exciting career as a successful rocket scientist for NASA. Image: NASA About a year after she joined NASA, she had the chance to test her first hybrid rocket motor, a 3,000-pound engine compared to the 300,000-pound engines she tests today. I thought I was fine, she recalls of the moment. Only afterward when she was told how much her hand was shaking did she realize she was a nervous wreck. I guess my body was telling me I was a little bit stressed, she says, now very matter-of-factly. As the only Latina and one of very few females testing rockets at Stennis, she speaks to students whenever she can, especially at the schools she attended in Corpus Christi. I tell them its very possible to do what I do, she says. A popular part of the presentation is a video clip of her first two tests that includes her shaking hand. Obregon says that there is a feeling, Oh, that cant be me. But the teacher will then say, She came from this elementary school and if she can do it, you can do it too. For elementary students, its so early in their lives, her story can help pique their interest to do well, she says, and she talks about the importance of focusing, not just on math and science, but also on writing and English classes. For high school students, she discusses what colleges are looking for, such as summer internships, which she learned as an intern herself working in MITs admissions office. Getting It Done Today, what matters most to her is getting the job done. On any given day, you might find her researching more efficient insulation materials or figuring out how to test fire a rocket vertically instead of horizontally as is the norm. In describing her work, she says once Stennis wins a bid for testing an engine or a component, the team discusses an appropriate design process. Our customer gives us the design requirements as to pressure, temperature, and what propellant we need to provide and flow rates, and [we] provide the propellantto the component. She added that the design team and engineers then determine the line sizes and type of valves needed. After the design process, the project proceeds to the fabrication stage. [Then,] we build it up, activate it, and make sure the system meets the customer requirements, that we can provide the temperature, flow rates and the pressures when they need it. Then we go into test mode, install the engines, hook up the electrical instrumentation, do checkups of the facility and go for tests, she explains. While some projects take months, perhaps even years, to complete, others require fast turnaround. Like the flow control valve situation we did with the space shuttle, Obregon says. We had to quickly respond to an issue and help determine the safety of our astronauts. In less than a week, we built up, activated and started testing. That was very fast. When asked about her favorite projects, she is hard-pressed to pick just one. But the flow control valve work for the shuttle was one of the biggest things we did as a team. She said after the issue on the mission, We were troubleshooting it and knowing that our data we collected made a big impact. Other important shuttle-related work at Stennis was testing to understand how much ice can build up safely on the external tank without becoming a debris hazard. The data collected including that on temperature and humidity conditions were key input into the decision about whether the next shuttle would fly. As for her future, she is looking forward to some other projects expected to get off the ground soon. And as much as she loves the excitement of hearing the engines roar, she says she is happy staying on the ground, helping others get into space safely. Nancy Giges is an independent writer. I tell them [students] it’s very possible to do what I do.Rosa Obregon, lead mechanical engineer, Stennis Space Center

Saturday, November 16, 2019

In the Mood for Something Scary Job Interview Horror Stories

In the Mood for Something Scary Job Interview Horror Stories In the Mood for Something Scary Job Interview Horror Stories If you’re searching for a good horror story to celebrate the spookiest time of year, look no further than the universally dreaded job interview. Below are some of the most cringe-worthy interview stories submitted to Simply Hired by our fans.   Mistaken Identity “For me, the nightmare was before the interview. I submitted my resume to the founder of a small company. I checked my e-mail over several times for grammar errors, but I was blinded by the obvious major error. I had mistakenly put in the wrong name of the person it was addressed to. Instead of the owner I put the name of another CEO whose name was everywhere in the recent news. They both had the same first name, but it was spelled differently. Their last names also started out the same but were completely different. I didnt notice this gaffe until the owner himself responded to it. I have no idea how I was able to recover and get an interview for that position, but I did. I didnt get the job.” Legally Oblivious “A lawyer interviewing me asked what professor I had for my constitutional law class in school. He then asked what I thought of that professor. I told him that we usually had no idea what she was talking about because she was so hard to understand. Then the interviewer told me that the professor was his wife. They had different last names. I of course did not get the job.” Wanted: Researcher/Lion Tamer “I was interviewing for a position in which I was required to write a sample report and then discuss it with the hiring manager on the phone. The manager grilled me about what I wrote, essentially questioning the validity of my assumptions and the basis for my research. His questions were so aggressive I started tearing up and was unable to answer, knowing that if I did I would break into tears. He finally said, ‘Im going easy on you. If you cant handle questions like this, youre not going to be able to get in front of clients.’ Luckily I didnt get the job, but later on I heard from several others that he was a jerk to everyone that worked for him. Two people on his team, one of whom recruited me, left the company less than a year later.” Can Chew Gum AND Walk “During college I interviewed to be an alumni fundraiser. Toward the end the interviewer asked what my biggest accomplishment was. With no prior work experience, and since I didn’t do any research into how to interview beforehand, I was completely taken aback by the question. I ended up answering, ‘Well I made it this far. That’s pretty good.’ I didn’t get the job.” Panel of Doom “I agreed to an interview for a high school teaching position during college finals week and headed over after a quantum mechanics final that I had pulled an all-nighter studying for. I arrived late and received a look of disapproval upon giving my name to the receptionist. At this point I remembered that I didnt really like high school very much. Even though I was just graduating college, I had already worked several jobs and was used to an interview format where you sit down with the boss and have a pleasant one-on-one conversation about yourself and the company. But when I walked into the conference room at the high school, I found a panel of 12 people there to evaluate me. “The first question I was asked was,  â€˜Tell us about what types of teaching methods you like to use in the classroom and why you think they would work in a XYZ school’ â€" XYZ being a word Id never heard before. Up until this point I had not thought anything about what they might ask, I had no training to be a teacher, had done no research on being a teacher, knew nothing about philosophies, methods or thought that there might be types of school other than public or private. “I tried to sidestep the question, but the panelist cut me off and asked again about the teaching methods used. I gave an answer that clearly was not what she was looking for. Then she followed that up with, ‘Why do you think you would be a good fit for the teaching position at this school?’ It was pretty clear that I was not, but I answered anyway. The next thing that became clear was every person on the 12-person committee was going to ask me two questions, and I was not going to be prepared for any of them. “What I did take away from that interview was a sense of every question I would be asked over my next couple dozen  teaching interviews. I had answered the panel’s questions so badly that they started explaining their questions and basically telling me what they had wanted to hear. That interview was one of the worst hours of my life, but it prepared me to go on and get teaching offers from almost every other interview I had.” Welcome to America Interviewer: Whats your name? Me: [I stated my name.] (Wait a minute. Isnt he looking right at my resume?) Him: Is that your real name? Me: Yes. Him: Oh, because I interviewed a Chinese girl before you and it turned out that Michelle wasnt her real name. So your last name is Wong. What is that? Me: Im Chinese. Him: One of the researchers at the lab speaks Mandarin. You should be able to get along really well with him. I lived in Japan for eight years, so I speak fluent Japanese. Do you speak Japanese? Me: No Him: Ohayou gozaimasu. Do you know what that means? Me: No. Him: Do you like manga? He may as well have taped the corners of his eyes with Scotch tape to ridicule me. At least that would have been less frustrating and perhaps a bit entertaining. Want to see what it’s like on the other side? Read our employer interview horror stories! Don’t become part of an interview horror story! Read these articles to succeed in your next interview.   Be a STAR: How to Structure Your Resume and Interview Responses Tips for a Successful Job Interview Iconic Movie Quotes to Inspire Your Upcoming Job Interview Read Related Articles 6 Jobs to Consider if You Love Halloween 10 Horror Icons’ Careers Before They Were Famous Where Horror Meets Comedy: Job Interviewing Mishaps

Friday, November 15, 2019

These are the 10 entry-level jobs that could completely stall your career

These are the 10 entry-level jobs that could completely stall your career These are the 10 entry-level jobs that could completely stall your career As graduation season approaches, the internet is becoming swarmed with surveys and editorials about the current state of the job market. One of the more extensive additions comes from Wallethub. Taking three key factors into account-namely, immediate opportunity, growth potential, and job hazards, the authors composed an objective ranking of the best and worst entry-level jobs.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!MethodologyAll three of the factors mentioned above are worth a total of 40 points each, though more specific metrics contribute to an equitable grading.Immediate Opportunity is determined by average starting salary, number of job openings, and unemployment  rate. Growth potential is graded based on the respective’s job’s projected expansion by 2026, typicality of on the job training, median annual salary, work experience in related occupation needed, median tenure with the employer, and occupation schedule flexibility. Lastly, job hazards refer to the degree of fatal occupational injuries per 100,000 employees in the last three years, and typicality of working more than 40 hours a week.Using these metrics, Wallethub compared one-hundred and nine different entry-level positions and raked them thusly below.    Industry mattersThe authors of the report additionally include some useful tips from several experts. It’s important to remember that determining longevity when diving into a new job, requires a little more than merely examining figures. As Dona Gaynor, director of Career Management  Services of the Florida Institute  of technology points out, sometimes low-paying gigs are genuinely  worth the relevant relationships and experience that they provide. This is important because many job seekers erroneously fear that they linger for too long in an entry-level position based on income alone. Gaynor adds, “My advice would depend on their pr eferred career field or industry, as well as the financial situation for the job seeker. If the job seekers have the financial means to support themselves while gaining valuable experience in an unpaid or low paying opportunity then this might be a good option for them to advance within that field.”On balance, Gaynor recommends new graduates stay in an entry-level job for about three years, assuming a better offer does bit appear before then.Conversely,  Kathy Kassissieh, who is the interim Director of Career Services Employer Relations at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, believes a new employee should expect to remain at their  position for about a year. After that, it’s perfectly fine to express interest in advancing to your employer. If opportunities to move up are currently unavailable,  Kassissieh suggests employees start updating their resume.As far as predicting which entry-level jobs will yield a career, as opposed to a dead end, Gaynor is much more optimistic than  Kassissieh, who believes there’s no real way of predetermining such a thing. Gaynor suggests new employees do a bit of research: look up employee reviews and use employment databases like Linkedin and Glassdoor, to get a gage of worker satisfaction and turnover rate.You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, November 14, 2019

How to redefine boredom and feel better about yourself

How to redefine boredom and feel better about yourself How to redefine boredom and feel better about yourself “You may be obliged for some time to do what you do not like to do,  but  you can make the doing of it pleasant by knowing that it is making it possible for you to come to the doing of what you want to do.”?- ?Wallace D. WattlesFollow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!  This quote from  â€œThe Science of Getting Rich”  says it all. The source of your emotions is not what you do, it’s what  you think  about what you do.One can walk and think nothing of it. Another, who has just recovered after an accident, and can finally walk after months of rehabilitation, would be overjoyed to walk.No boring tasksThe same goes with boredom. In reality there are no “most boring tasks” on this planet. There are only the ones you consider as such. So, you don’t need to motivate yourself. You need to reframe your thinking.Unfortunately, despite our intellectual capacity, human beings are terrible at changing their thinking patterns.“There is no labor from which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought. It is the hardest work in the world.”?- ?Wallace D. WattlesWallace had a gift with words, didn’t he? He was right on spot. Mental laziness is our default state. We let our subconscious mind lead our lives on autopilot.You label something ‘boring’ in your head and you are perfectly fine with it. You don’t ponder why it is so. You don’t challenge this thought. You go about bitching about your fate and necessity of doing the most boring tasks. This is what you always did.A wake up call:  and you always will, unless you don’t pour in some mental effort to change the way you operate.Solution: The labor of thinkingWhen I found a question about boring tasks and motivation on Quora and ruminated about it I was amazed to discover that I’m never bored! I didn’t shrink from the labor of thinking and I developed a skill of sustained and consecutive thinking.Whenever I’m sentenced to doing a truly boring task, I escape into my mind. I can pray, ruminate, visualize, meditate or generate ideas around the clock. Give me pen and paper and there is no way I would ever be bored.It’s not that I don’t deal with mundane tasks anymore. Usually, I don’t think about them at all. I am present inside my head while lifting my kids to school, doing the dishes, laundry or scrubbing the toilet.Sometimes, I do think about them, but never in a negative way. Whatever I do around home, I know it is an act of service for my wife. This is her love language and she appreciates (even if she  veeeeeery  rarely articulates it) every small household chore I do.See? It’s not the task itself, it’s what you think of it.“Boring” is in your mindOK, I lied. I’m sometimes bored with my day job. But it’s my fault. The job itself is terrific.It’s one of the biggest corporations in the world. The project I’m involved in demands high responsibility. The system we support works 24/7 and is crucial for the operation of a national airline.The team is amazing. The client’s team is great. It’s a pleasure to work with them. I work only quarter -time, so almost all the ridiculous corpo office politics doesn’t touch me at all.It’s just I have much better things to do and I dwell on that fact, instead of the perks of my job.And I complain in my head:  â€œHeck, why I’m doing this? I should be sending emails to my prospects and do the things I was meant to do, not this crazy corpo stuff.”It is exactly this: complaining. I have easily 60 more hours in the week to do all I could do to serve my readers and customers to the best of my abilities.And I am not doing that. My day job is not the obstacle, it’s just a hurdle.In the end this is what boredom usually sparks inside of us - idle bitching. We don’t do the boring stuff at hand. We wish we were somewhere else doing something else. It’s a flat-out waste of time and mental energy.Don’t try to pep talk yourself into doing the boring tasks. Think of those tasks and your role differently.Hence, dealing with boring tasks requires mastering control over your thinking. Nothing less. Nothing more.Self-awarenessFirst, you need to develop the skill of knowing how you feel, why you feel that way and follow the wild train of your thoughts running through your mind. In short, you need some self-awareness.Mental autopilot is your enemy. Boredom is a function of automatic subconscious processes that convince you that you are not in the right place and doing the right things.It’s easy to say “become more self-aware.” However, we are absolutely terrible in this. 99.99% of population in 99.99% of time goes mindlessly through their lives. This is our default state.So, instead of murmuring mantras or trying to ‘feel the universe’ I have some down to earth daily disciplines for you to grow your self-awareness.1. Emotional Che ckSet a reminder (or better yet, a random reminder) on your mobile to ask you a few times a day:  â€œWhat do I feel right now?”That’s it. Let yourself become more aware of your current emotional states.Don’t overthink:  â€œOh, I don’t know…”  Of course you know! Who should’ve known if not you!? You are the person in your skin.Answer with one-two words the question and move on.2. MeditationNope, it’s not magical. Close your eyes. Inhale deeply. Focus your attention on the air flowing through your nostrils. Exhale slowly. Repeat once again.That’s meditation.Is closing your eyes magic? Maybe breathing is somehow woo-woo for you?Those are the very basic functions of your body. Put together, they create an activity called meditation.And meditation works like nothing else to increase your self-awareness. You meditate for a couple of minutes in the morning and then you catch yourself several hours later slacking at your job or complaining or mulling over some minor resent ment toward your spouse.3. JournalingProcessing your thoughts on paper has an amazing clarifying quality. Whenever you need to put your thoughts on paper they stop being a cloud of hazy emotions and exclamations and became a message.I firmly recommend journaling every day. It has an effect similar to meditation- you start to become self-aware of what’s going through your mind not only at the moment you journal, but also while living your life.You can process your internal issues- including boredom- so much better on paper than in your head. When you do it only in your mind, you are led by the train of your thoughts and emotions. When you put something on paper, you can be in charge.4. Reframing on  paperWhile journaling is mostly pouring your soul on paper, I also recommend performing more focused writing exercises once in a while. When boredom strikes you regularly write down what bothers you. Analyze what’s the core issue.Brainstorm reframing exercises on paper. If emptying th e dishwasher exasperates you, you can think it’s an act of service for your wife  ??5. Right QuestionsYour brain is a gigantic search engine. Google is a small puppy next to your brain. Your focus determines what kind of information your brain will look for.Focusing on boredom won’t solve your problems. The whole ‘Google in your head‘ will be occupied with boredom. While it’s necessary to ask yourself from time to time what exactly bores you or why you are bored by this specific task, plenty of your brainpower should go to finding solutions.Use questions often that shift your focus AWAY from boredom: OK, I’m bored with… how can I reframe this? What excites me? What do I like doing? What ticks me? Why do I like doing this? What’s so special about it? How can I bring this feeling into doing mundane tasks? How can I do more exciting things and less of the boring stuff? Don’t ponder the problem to death, focus on finding the solution.Fight!Invest your time and effort to eliminate boredom from your life. Master a skill of sustained and consecutive thinking; it will deal with 90% of your problems with boredom.Embrace self-analysis habits. Without a higher level of self-awareness you won’t ever get out of the boredom’s clutches.I assure you this effort is well worth it. Boredom is a terrible destroying force. We are creators. Boredom means there is something wrong with us. It triggers the urge to get away which often ends in bad places.For years, the mix of boredom and hopelessness in my life was a trigger for unhealthy habits: excessive fiction reading and playing computer games. I wanted to get away from my purposeless life and I escaped into fantasy worlds. Boredom was robbing me from my potential.Once I found dreams worth pursuing, boredom almost evaporated from my life. And my potential disengaged rapidly.“Success is nothing more than a fe w simple disciplines, practiced every day.”?- ?Jim  RohnLiving on autopilot you have no chances against boredom. Everything starts from self-awareness. Once you notice your thoughts and emotions, you can reframe them.Now go! Start developing those self-analysis habits.This article originally appeared on Medium.You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

2015 Tax Tips for Small Business

2015 Tax Tips for Small Business 2015 Tax Tips for Small Business 2015 Tax Tips for Small Business Weltman, author of J.K. Lasser’s Small Business Taxes 2015 (Wiley, 2014) Now that 2014 has closed, it’s time to focus on your small business  tax return for the year. Tax strategies, old and new, can help cut your tax bill. Here are five small business  tax tips to help you. 1. Claim your full write-offs Tax limits, thresholds, and ceilings change from year to year, so don’t assume that deduction limits or tax rules from prior years apply now. Failing to learn what’s new could result in your shortchanging yourself. For example, there is an increased tax credit for paying at least half the cost of health coverage for employees…but check eligibility rules. If you’re self-employed, don’t forget to deduct one-half of your self-employment tax. Although it’s considered a personal (non-business) deduction, you don’t need to itemize to claim it. 2. Make decisions about writing off equipment purchases For 2014, there are three possible ways to deduct the cost of equipment (such as smartphones and tablets) and machinery: Regular depreciation, which spreads deductions for the cost over 5, 7, or other periods fixed by law for the type of property you buy. Bonus depreciation, which allows 50% to be deducted immediately. First-year (Section 179) deduction, which limits the first-year write off to $500,000; it can be combined with regular and bonus depreciations for an even greater deduction in 2014. The deduction rules vary with each option. For example: A bonus depreciation applies only to new property (not to pre-owned items); It applies automatically, but can be waived. First-year expensing is only beneficial if you are profitable If desired, it must be elected. Work with a tax advisor to review not just your 2014 tax picture, but look ahead to determine which write-off is best for your situation. 3. Take post year-end action Even though the tax year has closed, it is not too late to make certain payments that can still reduce your 2014 taxes: Contributions to qualified retirement plans. As long as the paperwork for setting up a plan was signed by December 31, 2014, you can make a tax-deductible contribute up to the extended due date of your return. If you have not already set up a retirement plan, you have until the extended due date of the return to both set up and fund a SEP. Contributions to health savings accounts (HSAs). If you were covered by a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) in 2014, you can contribute to a health savings account for 2014 up to April 15, 2015 (no extra time is allowed, even if you obtain a filing extension). As long as you had HDHP coverage for all of December (typically a bronze plan in marketplace parlance), you can make a full year’s HSA contribution. 4. Get a filing extension if you need it While the IRS may start to accept returns shortly, the filing deadline for 2014 returns is March 16, 2015 (March 15 is on a Sunday this year) for calendar-year corporations, and April 15, 2015, for individuals, partnerships, and limited liability companies (in most cases). If you do not have all the information you need to complete your return or for any other reason, you can request a filing extension. For example, if you are an owner in a limited liability company that has not provided you with a Schedule K-1 by the time you have to file your personal return, simply request a filing extension. Individuals requesting a filing extension should use Form 4868; partnerships, limited liability companies, and corporations use Form 7004. The extended due date for filing a 2014 return depends on your return: Corporations (both C and S), partnerships, and limited liability companies: September 15, 2015. This is also the deadline for S corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies to give Schedule K-1s to their owners. Individuals: October 15, 2015. 5. Pay estimated taxes for 2015 If you report your share of business income on your personal return (e.g., you’re a sole proprietor or an owner in a limited liability company), you probably have to pay estimated taxes to cover your anticipated tax bill for 2015. The first estimated tax payment for the year is due on April 15, 2015. This date applies even if you obtain a filing extension for your 2014 income tax return. You can pay electronically using EFTPS or the IRS’ Direct Pay to make a transfer from your bank account to the government. There are no IRS charges for these payment methods. Caution: Don’t wait until you file your return for the year to pay the tax you expect to owe. This will cost you in tax penalties. Even worse, come April 2016, you may not have the lump sum needed at that time to pay your 2015 tax; better to pay in installments, as required. The Last Word Action on your part can minimize your small business  tax bill for 2014 and avoid interest and penalties both this year and next. The sooner you start, the easier it is to complete actions on time. Any questions? Talk with a tax advisor. Reprinted with permission of John Wiley Sons, Inc. Barbara Weltman, J.K. Lasser’s Small Business Taxes 2015.   Legal Disclaimer: None of the information provided herein constitutes legal advice on behalf of Monster.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Property Shipment Weight Allowances for Military Moves

Property Shipment Weight Allowances for Military Moves Property Shipment Weight Allowances for Military Moves Personally Procured Moves (PPM), formerly referred to as Do-It-Yourself (DITY)  Moves, are done when changing permanent duty stations if you prefer to move your own property, typically within the Continental United States (CONUS).  Often, the military member does not have that luxury and will need assistance from the military to move their items.  If you prefer to have the military move you, you can opt for that method.  When one makes a permanent change of station move in the United States military, the government will hire a contractor to pack and ship the members personal property (furniture, clothes, books, etc.). What Sort of Assistance Can You Expect? This includes the first move, from Advanced Individual Training (AIT), Technical School, or A-School  to the members first permanent duty assignment. (It also includes the move to AIT, Technical School, or A-School, if the length of the school [at a single location] is longer than 180 days.) In the above case, the military will hire a contractor to move property from the AIT/Technical School/A-School location, or any other location where the individual has property stored, or a combination of both, as long as the weight shipped doesnt exceed the authorizations shown on the below chart. If the weight exceeds the authorized limits, the member will be required to reimburse the military for the cost of shipping the excess weight (at whatever rate the contractor charges the military). When you receive written orders for a permanent change of station, you take those orders to the Installation Transportation Management Office (TMO), Outbound Properties Section. They will brief you on your entitlements, complete the required paperwork, and arrange for a day for the shippers/packers to pick up your stuff. You do not have to be personally present when the packers/shippers arrive, however, there must be an adult there, who you authorize (in writing) to sign the shipping inventory on the day of packing/pickup. Table of Joint Federal Travel Regulations Weight Allowances (Pounds)Permanent Change of Station (PCS) and Non-Temporary Storage (NTS) Grade NOTES 1 3 With DependentsNOTE 2 PCS without Dependents O-10 to O6 18,000 18,000 O-5/W-5 17,500 16,000 O-4/W-4 17,000 14,000 0-3/W-3 14,500 13,000 0-2/W-2 13,500 12,500 O-1/W-1 0-1/W-1/Service Academy Grads 12,000 10,000 E-9 15,000 (See Note 4) 13,000 (See Note 4) E-8 14,000 12,000 E-7 13,000 11,000 E-6 11,000 8,000 E-5 9,000 7,000 E-4 8,000 7,000 E-3 to E-1 8,000 5,000 Service Academy Cadets/Midshipmen 350 Changing locations, jobs, and moving is a common occurrence within the military.  Very rarely does any member stay in one place for several years, but depending upon your job, you can reduce the number of moves you make during your career.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Nuiances of Resume Examples for Teachers

The Nuiances of Resume Examples for Teachers You have to be careful of how they're listed in your state. Among the very best teacher resume tips is to tailor your work search documents to the particular teaching position you're applying for. Consider elementary teacher resume template for a tool, which you are able to logically produces to be in a position to target a particular job and to gain one's heart of the business. You must know how to create the best elementary teacher resume template as you find it possible to send to the organization and provide good first impact about your self, learn it here. Resume is a type of document employed by individuals that are seeking for employment. Possessing a strong resume will enable you find quite a few great jobs. Focus has to be on your qualifications and skill to produce the employer feel that you're the very best fit for the vacant position. Transportation jobs involve a lot of responsibility and your resume will want to re flect you can manage that. When more seasoned job seekers wind up doing so, it appears like they could be hiding something like their age or even past experience. There's no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better likelihood of standing from the crowd even supposing it's made utilizing a template. If you locate an opportunity that could boost your experience, improve your responsibility, and potentially improve your salary down the street, do not lose it over a few shekels. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously offer you an advantage. Dietitian resume objective Is a 1-2 line description of a person's career objectives and ambitions with an attempt to generalize it and put it forth when it comes to organizational. Resume objectives are occasionally regarded as the old schooltype of resume. Consequently, you must make your career objective stick out. Top Resume Examples for Teachers Secrets Even if you believe your teaching experience is minimal, it's likely greater than you believe! By offering a quote from a supervisor in your actual new teacher resume, the reader will be in a position to verify your teaching abilities. An excellent resume ought to be standard. For more ideas about how to strengthen your program, take a look at our education and teaching resumes. Any extra experience that is applicable to the teaching position ought to be included on the resume. Most candidates simply concentrate on the years they've been teaching. Even experienced teachers must renew their licenses every certain number of years, and lots of them enroll in supplementary training or greater education programs to advance their career. Life After Resume Examples for Teachers Following are some suggestions and tricks alongside a sample resume of teacher assistant free of experience in hand. Read your revamped resume with an important eye to make certain it reflects you. There are a few unexpected things that can occur sometimes that may distract you and have you wind up getting late for your interview. The most important teacher resume page lists a variety of different samples that may also offer you ideas about how to draft your own version when you're getting reading to submit an application for a teaching post that interests you. Adapt the letter in l ine with the needs of the teaching job you're applying for. Your Teacher Job Interview It is important to be certain your teacher portfolio is current and prepared for presentation when you take part in work search. If that's the case, your resume can nevertheless be quantified, and provide the hiring manager a concrete idea of the range of your abilities and abilities. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. What You Should Do to Find Out About Resume Examples for Teachers Before You're Left Behind You may also read more on the very best approach to use our resume samples here. Our resume examples offer inspiration, but more importantly guidance on the best way to structure and compose the elements. So if you would like resume help, you will need some good resume examples. When you've reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to learn how to vary the usage of action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a highly effective a ccomplishment statement. Getting the Best Resume Examples for Teachers If you opt to include many positions, as it's applicable to the specific teaching job you're applying for, then you could always elaborate on three experiences and just list the rest of the positions. If you're attempting to acquire work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Demonstrate employers that you comprehend the essence of the job and also are acquainted with the requirements to get ready for the work properly. 1 A resume summary is a brief, snappy introduction paragraph that gives a summary of your very best work. Resume Examples for Teachers Help! Our resume builder (you are able to create your resume here) will provide you tips and examples on the best way to compose your resume expert summary section. Perhaps while trying to find examples you noticed poor samples all around the internet. When sending the elementary teacher resume template you'll need to deal with the correc t person accountable for the selection. To find some formatting tips for your resume, take a look at our samples. Thus, if you're trying to find a job for a teacher, as well as your resume, you also need to pay appropriate attention to your cover letter. Concentrate on why you're a nice and enthusiastic candidate for the teaching job prospect. Ensure your resume is crystal clear and informative and targeted to the particular teacher job prospect. On the flip side, functional resumes are ordinarily used by fresh graduates or individuals who have less experience but want to grab the work vacancy.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Start of Bookkeeper Job Description for Resume

The Start of Bookkeeper Job Description for Resume You ought to at least be alert to some basic principles that you can use at the job. Prove you comprehend the business's goal for the job. Bookkeepers also ought to persuade team members to work with each other to accomplish a particular aim. If you are searching for jobs as a bookkeeper or in any other region of expertise, your success will be dependent on your willingness to take the ideal actions. You're going to see an ideal bookkeeper resume sample. In order to make certain your professional resume will support your objectives, utilize this accountant job description to inform exactly what you should highlight on your resume. You may ask a prospective bookkeeper how they'd deal with a financial situation specific to your enterprise. Trying to find a bookkeeper position in a great business. This bookkeeper job description sample ought to be utilized as a reference so you are able to write your own. Though a bookkeeper's basic tasks are enumerated above, the precise scope of the bookkeeper's task can fluctuate based on the size of the organization and its financial capacity. At least three to five decades of earlier experience with bookkeeping and accounting is needed as a way to develop into a manager. Therefore, it becomes quite important to include only those items which relate to the post of a bookkeeper. Gossip, Lies and Bookkeeper Job Description for Resume Bookkeeping also involves organizing and reporting a corporation's financial info in such a way in which the company can make informed decisions about the way to use its capital. You have to be accurate even in case you work fast, to guarantee you perform your duties well. The precise scope and duties of a bookkeeper could vary dependent on the size of the organization and its financial needs. Working C onditions A bookkeeping office manager usually works independently in smallish businesses, but may take care of a group of men and women in big corporations. In attempting to impress your employer, you might end up irritating him. A nudge at the most suitable time may give you a second chance at getting hired. Your resume should match the job which you desire to apply. The ideal way to go about this is to enlist the assistance of someone to simulate the interview process alongside you. What You Should Do About Bookkeeper Job Description for Resume Beginning in the Next 3 Minutes Certification could possibly be attained for people who want advancement in their job opportunities. Becoming a certified bookkeeper will provide you the chance to carve a career in several sectors and make a fantastic salary. Experience Experience will make it possible for you to handle whatever issues that may turn up anytime in your company environment. Choosing Good Bookkeeper Job Description for Resume It is possible to also share extra bookkeeper abilities and qualities which you've found useful. Bookkeepers need a number of skills to be successful within this financial specialty. Last, include a concise line about the way the skills you possess will benefit the organization. Any extra skills you are able to add will offer your resume a boost. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Bookkeeper Job Description for Resume When it may appear dull, you always should customise every letter to coincide with the particular job for which you're applying. As the employer, if you've got the slightest confusion concerning the duties of a bookkeeper, you might get your concept clear from the work description. Whatever the case, it's always beneficial to do an exhaustive research on your potential employers. Additional skill sets bookkeepers can include ought to be analytical in nature, such is the capability to process huge amounts of information, sometimes r eferred to as data mining. You're the only one in charge of your search and the pace at which you search for work. It's essential to prepare resumes in a right fashion and these downloadable samples can help you prepare your resumes well. Proficient in a lot of accounting computer software applications. Knowledgeable bookkeepers might actually save businesses money as they can complete work better than recently hired bookkeepers. Businesses of all sorts hire bookkeepers to keep accurate financial records, balance budgets, and keep an eye on money coming into and going from the provider. Looking to bring my experience to help the business in the simplest way possible. Bookkeeper Job Description for Resume at a Glance Experience might be required in the event the bookkeeper does not have any formal training except training is going to be supplied by the organization, and the knowledge of particular data processing and accounting programs and software such as Microsoft excel mi ght also be required. As soon as it's almost a given that any possible applicant will have accounting computer software experience, you still need to list each one of the relevant applications on your bookkeeping resume. You may also see Resume Templates. The Certified Bookkeeper Resume template is for individuals who have a great deal of experience in the industry. When you do, you're only a few steps from an accountant resume. The individual might remain employed as a bookkeeper or pursue different opportunities, including working as an accountant. By way of example, bookkeepers may process payroll for a little organization that doesn't maintain its own payroll department. The major duty of a bookkeeper is to keep a tab on the complete accounting cycle from begin to finish, while the previous two are usually taken care of by an accountant. Bookkeepers shouldn't be confused with accountants. They do a lot of the same type of work that accountants do, but they usually do not need to have an accounting or business degree to find a job as an accountant. On occasion the bookkeeper might be an assistant to continue to keep accounts of the community finances.